Thursday, July 28, 2011

Gutters #169

The latest strip for
I got the gig at 10:30 last night, and I needed to get layout approval and final inked art by 6pm today. And today was my first day of physical therapy for my knees. but that's a whole other story!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

WWE Magazine Art

The WWE recently brought back their old strip "You Had To Be There". Unfortunately, no jpg of the copy. But The Miz, during his season of TE, went out to dinner with the rest of the cast in Boston. A woman came over claiming to be a fan, then proceeded to throw a drink on herself and blame it on The Miz. He got cuffed only to find out head trainer Bill Demott set the whole thing up.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

WWE Magazine Aug 2011

WWE Magazine Aug 2011 featuring the first installment of "You Had To Be There", starring The Miz!